Department of Law cooperates both nationally and internationally with a number of undertakings, institutions, universities and other educational establishments.
It is one of our visions to increase cooperation both with existing partners and other partner organisations.
National cooperation includes agreements for a number of specific projects in which the cooperation is a natural part of the projects.
As part of the its training of academic researchers, the department has entered into partner arrangements with the following law firms:
Department of Law supports students’ participation in selected mooting competitions.
In connection with participation in the Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration moot (Vis moot), a cooperation and sponsorship agreement has been entered into with the law firm Gorrissen Federspiel.
In connection with participation in the Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition (HugoMoot), a cooperation and sponsorship agreement has been entered into with the law firm Kammeradvokaten Advokatfirmaet Paul Schmith.
Department of Law is part of the following networks:
We have also established cooperation with:
Department of Law also has agreements for student exchanges under the EU financed Socrates programme and the Nordplus programme, which is financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Moreover, we take part in a research project on civil law cooperation in the EU.