
Multi-level governance – a theory of European integration originating in political science

Foredrag på dansk - arrangeret af Niels Skovmand Rasmussen, SDU og Tanja Jørgensen, AU

Info about event


Monday 28 May 2018,  at 12:00 - 13:30


Juridisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, bygning 1410, lokale 247


Niels Skovmand Rasmussen, Syddansk Universitet samt Tanja Jørgensen, Aarhus Universitet

Research Group on Law and Finance - http://law.au.dk/forskning/forskergrupper/research-group-on-law-and-finance/ - har den glæde at invitere til et foredrag på Juridisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet om 

Multi-level governance – a theory of European integration originating in political science
ved adjunkt, ph.d. Niels Skovmand Rasmussen, Syddansk Universitet

As the first element of a model for multilevel governance, Niels Skovmand Rasmussen, SDU, defines three analytic planes used to deconstruct the EU legal system as a set of Chinese boxes: The first box (constitutional framework) encloses a second tier of boxes (policy fields) which, in turn, encloses a third tier of boxes (substantive rights and obligations). To determine what goes into each tier of boxes, he then revisits historic and contemporary debates in EU legal scholarship on their respective analytic plane. Finally, he illustrates using C-370/12, Pringle, how the analytic planes may guide the doctrinal legal analysis of complex legal problems as they appear in the case law of the CJEU.

Præsentationen foregår på dansk.


Af hensyn til forplejning skal tilmelding ske senest torsdag den 17. maj 2018 til Gitte Schneider på e-mail, gs@law.au.dk.